Useful report templates

Here is a link to a folder which contains some commonly used report templates. You can download the report template you want and then add it to your own account by going to settings > report templates > add > add existing template and then selecting the downloaded file.

Here's a breakdown of the reports and how they're used:

Annual Monitoring Report

This is the latest iteration of the Annual Monitoring Report template. It is a standard template which incorporates most information that land trusts choose to have in their annual monitoring report.

Pre-visit Letter

This is a template for generating a pre-visit letter to landowner or other involved party. Here's a video on how to use and edit it:

Post-visit Letter

The post-visit letter works in much the same way as the pre-visit letter (see video above), with the key difference being that it pulls in and displays the site visit 'Summary' field, so you can provide the landowner with a summary of your visit.

If you want to instead display the response to a certain form question, you may want to review this article: Adding a form and form data to a report.

Multi-visit Monitoring Report

Some sites are so large that they regularly require multi-day monitoring visits. You can use this special report template to display data from multiple visits. Note that this is really only necessary to do if you regularly need this report, otherwise it's likely easier to simply merge data from multiple visits into one visit.

Here's a video on how the report template works, and how to edit it.

Site Visit Photopoint Table, Photos, and Map

This report template creates a photopoint table, photo sheet, and map that can be used in a baseline or current conditions report context. Here's a video on how to use it, and how it might be adjusted for use within the baseline report workflow.

Project Status Report

This report template displays basic project information, including budget, funding, and task details. It can be particularly useful to run from views, so that you could print out a project summary for all active projects at once.

Satellite Monitoring Report

This report is built for the first method outlined in the 'Satellite Monitoring with Lens' article. It eliminates the standard map block and replaces it with a large photo block to display Lens imagery.

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