Advanced Reports: Using 'Sequence Number' in Reports

You can use the special merge field '[[@SequenceNumber:X]]' to add a simple sequential number to Photos and other repeated objects in Reports. This feature is most often used to give photos an automatic number in addition to the photopoint number.

When used in a photo block, it will count up based on the number of photos displayed in the report. You can override this by selecting the option on the photo block 'Reset photo sequence count with each map feature'. Toggling this on will reset the count to '1' for each new map feature (point) that it finds.

When used in a different block, like a repeated block, it will always reset for each new feature that it finds.

Here is an example of how it to implement it:

From within the report template editor, navigate to the photo block and insert the merge field '[[@SequenceNumber:X]]' where you want the number to show up.

Here is what it looks like in the context of the report:

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