Using Data Viewer

Data Viewer is for slicing and dicing your data. It's a versatile and powerful tool, built to help you answer questions like:

'How many violations are we tracking?'

'How many acres do we protect in X county?'

'How many site visits did we perform in 2021?'

'How many volunteer hours were spent doing monitoring visits this year?'

It is also used for simple viewing and navigation to records or work items, so:

'Show me a map and list of all open encroachments'

'Show me a list of all landowners, their contact data, and the properties they're associated with' (this is the built in 'All Active Record Contacts' view)

'Show me a map of all of our trails'

It can also be used for bulk updating fields, running reports on multiple records or work items, exporting spreadsheets, exporting bulk shapefiles with custom attributes, downloading documents in bulk, as well as other special bulk operations like adding multiple tasks at once or merging property records.

Here's a video tour of Data Viewer and how to use the basic functions:

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