Running a report for multiple site visits

Site Visit work items are designed to capture the details of a visit on one particular day. However, occasionally you may need to visit a site on more than one day, then need to run a report on those multiple visits. There are a few ways of dealing with this.

1. Copy the photos and geography into a single visit, then run the report from there.

This is a good method if you only need to do this occasionally. Use the methods in this article to quickly consolidate the photos, photopoints, and tracks into a single visit (either a new visit created for this purpose, or select one of your existing visits), then run the report from there. You may need to renumber points manually after the visits have been consolidated, since they will all appear on the same map.

2. Use a multi-visit report template.

If this is a more common need for you, then it may make sense to use a report template which can accommodate multiple site visits. The report scans the record for any site visits from the current year with a type of 'Annual Monitoring' and prints the summary data, map, form, and photo data from each visit. This method will involve adjusting the provided report template to suit your own needs, and so takes a bit more setup time, but is probably ultimately worth it, as the results are more accurate.

You can find this report template, as well as more information on how to run it, here: Useful report templates

Note that this method does not automatically link the report with the site visits, so if you'd like future stewards to be able to find their way to the site visits from the report and vice-versa, you'll have to create that link manually by adding linked work from within one of the work items.

'What about Baseline Reports?'

Typically you will conduct multiple Baseline Site Visits, then use method 1 in this article to copy all of the map data into a single Baseline Report work item. The Baseline Photo sheet/map report will then be run from that Baseline Report work item. This method usually involves extensive renumbering of the photo points. You'll find a baseline report template here.

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