Using the point renumbering tool (article and video)

The point renumbering tool allows you to renumber multiple points quickly. This is often necessary if you delete or merge points in a record, or if you merge multiple site visits together into a single record, and is especially useful during the baseline report creation process.

To access the tool, first highlight the points you want to renumber from their editable context. In other words, navigate to the site visit or work item record that contains the points you want to renumber.

Select all of the points you want to renumber by either clicking them one at a time while holding the 'shift' key, or you can use the multi-select tool for selecting multiple points quickly. Click on the table icon in the menu at the top of the side panel which opens to open the point renumbering tool. If you don't see the table, it means you're in the wrong context to edit that feature (see above paragraph).

The point renumbering tool will open. This tool works by using the order of the list as shown to first update the number field, then use that number field to update the name and label fields.

Points created before April 2024 will all have '0' in the number field unless it's been manually updated via this process.

Step 1: Get the list in the order you want it. You can manually drag points up and down in the list using the three dots on the left, or you can use the 'Sort' button to sort by any of the fields. Sorting by Date is usually an effective way of getting the points in the order you want. Click 'Sort', then choose 'Date', 'Number', 'Name' or 'Label' and the list will be re-ordered.

Numbers in the 'Name' and 'Label' field are sorted as text, and so need to be zero-padded (eg. 'Point 01') in order to be sorted in the way you'd expect. Only the number field sorts in regular numeric order ('1', '2', '3', etc...).

Step 2: Renumber the points based on their order on the list by clicking the 'Renumber' button. Note that you can use the renumber menu to start renumbering at a different integer, but usually you can keep it as '1'.

Step 3: Rename and relabel the points based on the new point numbers. Click on 'Rename' to rename and relabel the points based on the number field. Enter the base text (eg. 'Photopoint' or 'Site Visit Point') that you want in the text field provided. Keep the check box checked to update the label at the same time.

The new values will be applied to the geography immediately.

'My photos aren't appearing in the correct order in my report now!'

Some reports order photos in a photo block by Geography Name by default. Therefore, once the zero is removed from the name field by using the steps above, (eg. 'Photopoint 01' > 'Photopoint 1'), it will change the order that the photos are displayed in the report. You can fix this by either manually adding the zero back to the name, or (recommended) change the report template photo block to sort by Number rather than name. This will fix the issue permanently.

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