Running and saving a report

In Landscape, a report is a way of merging data from your account into a customizable .pdf template. You can have as many templates as you would like. Most people first encounter reports when creating their annual monitoring reports, but reports can also be used to create baseline photo sheets and maps, project status reports, issue summaries, and much more. Report templates are edited from within settings.

After a report is run, it can be saved for later review. Saved reports are stored in the 'Reports' tab of a property record. They are also listed in the 'Saved Reports' tab of the Data Viewer.

There are several ways to run a report: From within a work item; from the 'Reports' tab; from the main 'Details' tab of a record or project; and from Data Viewer (for running multiple reports at once).

From a work item

This is the quickest way of running a single report for work.

First navigate to the appropriate work item from the work tab. For example, if you want to create a monitoring report for a site visit, navigate to that site visit. Then, click 'Run Report' at the top of the record, and select the report you want to run. If you don't see the report, then check and make sure that the report template has the correct category applied to it. For example, to run a report from a site visit work item, a report must have a category of 'Site Visit'.

Landscape will run the report and navigate you to a preview screen.

To save the report as a draft and return to it later, click on the arrow next to 'Save and Finalize' and select 'Save as Draft'. This will save the report to the 'Reports' tab of a record. This is a good option if you would like to navigate away from the preview and still need to review the report later. Once a report is saved as a draft, you can find it via the Reports tab in the record and you can save it as a .pdf, send it to another user, delete it, or regenerate it.

To save the report and send it to another user for review, select 'Save and Send'. The report will be saved to the 'Reports' tab of the record, and the user will be notified via notifications and email that they have a report to review.

To save the report, mark it as completed, and save it as a .pdf, click 'Save and Finalize'. The completed report, along with the .pdf, will appear in the Reports tab of the record. The .pdf may take some time to generate, but will appear when it is done.

'Discard' will discard the report. You can always regenerate it later.

From Data Viewer (bulk report creation)

You can run multiple reports at once from Data Viewer. For example, this allows you to run a Project Status Report on all of your active Projects at once, rather than needing to navigate to each Project and run the report multiple different times.

Navigate to Data Viewer and open a view which has a category that matches the category of the report. If you're running a site visit report, you'll need to pull up the 'All Site Visits' view, if running a project report, the 'All Projects' view, etc. You may need to create a view if one doesn't already exist.

Apply filters or adjust the query as necessary to make multi-selection easy. In the screenshot below, I've applied a status filter to the 'All Projects' view.

Next, select the records you want to run the report for. You can select all by using the top left check box, or select them individually.

Next, click on 'Run Report' and select the report you want to run. If your report does not appear in the list of available reports, then the category of the view and the report do not match. You will need to either adjust the category of the report or the view.

Once the report is run, you can save the report as a .pdf, send it to another staff member for review, or save it as a draft.

Report settings which affect bulk report creation

The two most important settings in a report, as it relates to creating multiple reports at once, are Category and Create separate reports for each source

Category is the main object which the report will be run on. Portfolio Records, Projects, and various kinds of work (Site Visits, Surveys, Baseline Reports, etc.) are all example categories. The category of the report must match the View used to run the report.

Create separate reports for each source tells Landscape whether or not you want to treat the saved report as multiple reports or a single report. If set to 'Yes', then a page break will be inserted between each object, and when saved as a .pdf, multiple documents will be created. It will also save a separate report for each object, so after it is saved you will no longer be able to see all of the reports in a single context. If set to 'No', then the report will be treated as a single object. In most cases, if a report is intended to be run in bulk, you want the setting to be 'No'.

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