Subdividing a Property or Parcel using the 'Divide Record' function

Occasionally you may need to subdivide a property or parcel record. This is especially common with conservation easements. Using the 'Divide Record' function in a property or parcel will add one or more parcel records to the property, allowing you to track each portion of the property separately. You can then add separate landowners, perform separate site visits, etc., in the new parcel records.

Important Note: A property that contains no parcels must have at least 2 parcels added. If you are dividing a parcel, the function will add the designated number of parcels to the parent property record.

The Divide Record function performs the following actions:

1) Creates the number of parcels that you specify.

2) Creates Record Division Work Item to allow you to capture more information about the subdivision.

You will then need to map the parcels, add the relevant parcel data, and update the work item appropriately.

To use the divide record function, navigate to the property or parcel details page, then click on 'Edit Details'. Select 'Divide Record' at the top of the page. Enter the number of new records you want to create and click 'OK'

Scenario 1: If a property is being subdivided and has not been previously subdivided, you would want to add 2 new records.

Scenario 2: If, however, the property had already been subdivided and an existing parcel was being subdivided, you would want to add a record division to the parcel and only create 1 new record. After you perform the division, you will want to simply edit an existing parcel to be smaller to accommodate the new parcel geography. If you created 2 new parcels, you would need to dispose of or delete one of your existing parcels.

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