How to add a new Parcel to a Property

In Landscape, a 'Parcel' is a subdivided portion of an acquired interest (Property). You can add work, contacts, and communications to a Parcel just like you can with a Property, but doing so allows you to isolate that data so you can see it's associated with that subdivided portion. A Parcel cannot exist independent from a Property record.

The most common example is the scenario of a subdivided easement. You would create a Property record to capture the history of that easement acquisition, like when it was acquired, how big it is, etc., and then you could subdivide it into multiple Parcels, with a different landowner associated with each parcel. Monitoring visits, issues, and communications could be entered at the parcel level to keep everything straight, but you could also reference the parent Property record if you needed to know when the original easement was acquired, find a copy of the recorded easement, etc.

Subdivided parcels are also useful if a Property record is split between jurisdictions, states, or counties, and you need to report out on the acreage in each area accurately.

There are two ways to add Parcels to a Property.

  1. You can simply add one or more Parcels through the relationship builder. This method is described below.
  2. You can use the 'Divide' function and create a work item to track information on the subdivision. This latter method is useful if you want to be able to capture information about when the subdivision happened, what the circumstances were around it, link it to other work items like Rights Activities, etc...This method is described in this article.

Using the Relationship Builder to add a Parcel

To create a new Parcel, first navigate to the Property record that you're going to subdivide, then click the 'relationships' button on the left and select 'Add Relationship'.

Select 'Create a new record', then select 'It is a sub-record under [Property Name]'

Give the new Parcel a name, and make sure that 'Parcel' is selected as the type of record. Then click 'OK'.

Click 'OK'. The Parcel will be created and shown in the relationships window. You can now navigate to them from there and edit more details like size, stewardship status, and map data.

The Parcel you created will inherit the size, interest, completed-on date, and Team members from the parent property.

Sub-record (Parcel) map data, and how it relates to the parent record

When you add new Parcels as described above, they will inherit the parent Property map boundary. You will then need to update these child boundaries appropriately. Do this by navigating to the new Parcel record, clicking on the 'edit' button on the map, and editing the boundary. Any time a child (Parcel) record boundary is edited, the parent (Property) boundary is updated accordingly. This means that the boundary of a Property which contains multiple Parcels is usually being drawn automatically by Landscape.

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