How boundaries work in Landscape

Landscape has many map layers that can be created, imported, and associated with various items you're tracking within a record. However, the first map feature that you attach to a record must always be the record boundary. Uploading a boundary file allows Landscape to know where your record is, and allows you to navigate the property with Landscape Mobile.

Here are some rules for the boundaries files, and a brief overview of how they behave:

  • Boundaries must be area (/polygon) features. They cannot be lines.
  • When a change to a sub-record boundary is made (such as a parcel that belongs to a property or a property that belongs to a group) those changes are pushed to the parent record boundary. To edit a sub-record boundary, you must navigate to that sub-record.
  • If a parent boundary is added or updated, those changes will stay in effect until a sub-record is edited, at which point the parent will be overwritten with the changes from the child records.
  • In order for a boundary to be visible in Landscape Mobile, the record must be tagged as a Stewardship Site, or the user must go to the app settings and un-check the box which says 'Limit records to stewardship sites'.

These rules mean that, in order to accurately map a multi-parcel property, you should upload the boundary of each component parcel to each parcel record. The result will be that the property record displays the full boundary. If you don't have a shapefile for each individual parcel, then one way to accomplish this quickly is to upload the complete boundary shapefile to a parcel record, then delete all of the polygons that are not the parcel you want.

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