How to export map features from Landscape (article and video)

There are two ways to export map data from Landscape: through a record map, or through data viewer. You can use a record map to export map features that belong to a single portfolio record. You can use data viewer to query and perform bulk exports, like all this year's site visit points, all trail (human use) lines, or all easement boundaries. This bulk method also allows you to include Landscape fields as attributes in the exported shapefile.

Exporting from a single record

To export features from within a record in Landscape, simply select the feature or features you want to export and click on the export button in the side panel that opens. Note that, because the panel groups objects by layer and type, you may need to perform multiple exports if you want to get, for example, points AND lines that belong to a site visit.

Bulk map data exports with Data Viewer

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