
Resources exist to enable you to quantify and manage protected natural and historic resources, like waters, wetlands, and species habitat. You could also store information on scenic conservation values, like linear feet of road frontage.

How to use Resources

During the project assessment phase, you can use resources to prioritize certain projects. Resources can also be used to catalog what exists on the land, so that you can collect observations on these Resources during site visits and ensure that the protected conservation values are remaining intact.

Quantifying and mapping property resources also allows you to examine your holdings more broadly. For example, by adding resource items for all the wetlands protected on your properties, you could then answer the question: 'How many acres of wetlands to we protect in total, and where are they?', or 'How many acres of wetlands to we protect in X county?'.

Here are some examples of Resources that organizations track:

  • Acres of Wetlands
  • Linear Feet of Shoreline
  • Acres of Prime Forestland
  • Miles of Waterways
  • Scenic Value
  • Historic Value
  • Acres of Rare Species Habitat

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