Using 'style-by' to show different objects in different colors for a single record map
The process described below applies to a single record. Note that you can also apply these same settings to all maps from Settings > Map Layers
If you have a single type of geography that contains multiple types or statuses of things, then you may want your map to display those things as different colors, or hide certain things entirely. For example, it's common for organizations to want a map showing fee properties in one color and easements in another (video on how to do that here). Alternatively, perhaps you want different statuses of issues to appear as different colors, or resolved issues to not appear at all.
When making widget or view maps, you can style by almost any available field. When editing the appearance of a record or work item map, your options are more limited.
To access the 'style-by' options, click on the layers button on the top of the map, then expand the layer that you want to edit. Then click on the color swatch (point, line or polygon) and select 'Same for each feature'
You'll be presented with the available options that you can style that feature by:
The work items fields that you can style the map by are shown at the top. The geography fields are shown at the bottom. Once you choose the field you want to style by, you'll need to choose which values will appear differently.
In the screenshot below, I chose 'Issue Status' as the field. The dropdown menu then displays all issue statuses. Note that for some text fields, the available options may not populate. In these cases, you will need to copy and paste the exact text values desired.
After you've selected the options you want to style differently, click 'OK'
The options then appear in the layers list. Click on each swatch to style it the way you want it. Or uncheck a layer to hide it completely on the map.
As with other map edits, these changes will be reflected for all users when looking at the same records.
Changes to the 'Record Map' will be reflected in Landscape Mobile
Here's a short video that goes over the process described above: