Tracked Rights and Tracked Right Activities

Tracked rights are for tracking rights reserved by the landowner, and tracked right activities allow you to track actions they take on the property and your permitting or denial of those requests/actions as they relate to those tracked rights. You can track as many separate rights and activities as needed. These sorts of activities are most often tracked on conservation easements as opposed to fee properties.

For example: 'The landowner performed a timber harvest with notification and approval by us', or 'the landowner constructed a residence and utilized one of his two total permitted structure allowances'. For tracking the total square footage, acres, linear feet, etc., that can also be involved in this process, you will want to use the work types of Human uses and Human use limits.

Creating a tracked right

From the 'Work' tab of the record, click 'Add Work' and select 'Tracked Right'.

Enter the name and the type of the right and click ok. It's best to try to be descriptive with the name, like 'Two barn allowance', 'Forestry', 'Invasive species management', or 'Right to subdivide into 3 parcels total'. Note that you can add additional types via Settings > List Items > Work Items

You're then taken to the work item. From there you can add further details like the right requirement (Approval, Notification or Nothing) as well as a description.

Check the box that says 'Has exercise limit' if the right has a limit to how many times it can be exercised. Then enter the number of allowances in the field that appears. Note that if it's a limit like '20,000 square feet' then you'll want to use the 'Human use'/'Human use activity' work items in conjunction with the tracked rights.

Adding tracked right activity

To add activities which count against the allowable totals, or to simply add independent activities as they relate to the easement, you can use 'Tracked right activities'. To add a new activity, click on 'Add work' and select 'Tracked right activity'. You can also add a tracked right activity from a tracked right, which will automatically link the right to the activity.

Add the details of the activity in the work item that is created. The activity won't be counted against the corresponding right until you mark the status as 'Review Completed' and the outcome as 'Approved'.

After the status and outcome have been set, the number on the 'Tracked rights' tracker will go up:

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