Specify a format for new photo points in the mobile app
When you take photos in the Landscape mobile app, the map points that are created get named automatically based on the number of points already associated with the site visit. The default naming scheme is "Photopoint 0x", where x is the count of points in the site visit.
The point names have been "zero-padded" historically because they would be used to control sorting in reports. Numbers sorted like text will only sort correctly if they are "zero-padded." E.g. 01, 02, 03, etc. However, Landscape reports now have the ability to sort points by an actual number, making the zero-padding unnecessary.
If you would like to change the default naming scheme for new points in the mobile app, you can do so from the Settings in the Landscape web application. Go to Settings and on the General page you will find this option:
If you would rather name your map points "Site Visit Point X", where X is the number of the point, you could change this field to "Site Visit Point {0}"
The number 0 between the curly braces indicates where the number of the point will be inserted. You can specify a certain number of zeros before the number by adding the formatter specification. In the default format above, the :D2 added after the zero specifies that the new point will be at least 2 digits, so single digit numbers, like 1, 2, etc. will be zero-padded to become 01, 02, etc. But, numbers like 10, 11, 12, etc. will not be changed.