Help! My site visit photos aren't appearing in the site visit

If you are able to see your site visit points but not your photos (they appear as a broken link icon or not at all) then it's likely that the mobile app did not complete its last synchronization. This can happen if it was synchronized while not connected to Wi-Fi, or while connected to a slow Wi-Fi connection. Either way, here's how to fix the issue:

1) Make sure your mobile device is connected to Wi-Fi

2) Synchronize the app by clicking the synchronize button. If you took a lot of photos, you may need to jog the screen in order to keep your device awake while the upload process is happening.

Check the synchronization status by selecting the sync button.

3) After the sync is completed, refresh your browser to see the latest data in Landscape.

If you encounter any errors, get in touch with Landscape support.

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