Cleaning up and consolidating list items

Landscape allows the customization of almost any dropdown menu in the software via Settings > List Items (you must be an Administrator to access settings). Here's an article on the topic.

Occasionally you may wish to consolidate two similar items. For example, perhaps your available 'Record Interests' list includes both 'Fee Simple' and 'Fee'. This could be potentially confusing for staff who are entering records, and will result in difficulty when querying on Property Interest. You want to eliminate the 'Fee' option, but you want to make sure that it is replaced with 'Fee Simple' wherever it occurs. Here's how to do so:

  • Navigate to Settings > List Items and find the item you need to consolidate.

  • Change the text of the incorrect item to be the same as the correct one. You will now have two duplicate items in the available list. This will update this option in all places where it occurs.
  • Delete the duplicate option.

The final result:

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