Making documents available to Landscape Mobile

Once a document is uploaded, you can make it available to Landscape Mobile by toggling it for mobile use. This means that when you prepare the record for offline use, Landscape will download the document so that it's available in the field.

Documents toggled for mobile availability will also appear in the 'Documents' view of the Portal view, so volunteers will have access to them on the desktop as well.

To toggle this option on for a document, navigate to any location where the document is listed, like the work item's documents section. Select the document using the check box to the left, then click on the phone icon on the toolbar. The phone icon will then appear next to the document, indicating that it's been toggled on for mobile use.

Updating document availability for multiple documents at once using Data Viewer

The field 'Is Mobile Available' is viewable and editable from a view, so if you need to update the availability settings for a set of documents all at once, all you need to do is create a view to do so. For example, here is a view that returns all acquisition documents:

I can then make the 'Is Mobile Available' field visible, select all records, and choose 'Edit Selected Results' from the three dot menu in the toolbar:

Choose 'Update Field' > 'Is Mobile Available' > 'Yes' > click 'OK'

Those documents will now be available to the mobile app.

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