Using the Landscape Portal interface for volunteer monitoring

The Portal interface is specifically designed to assist with volunteer monitoring. It gives volunteer monitors access to important site information and site visit details for sites to which they are assigned as team members, and prevents access to other data like the dashboard, portfolio, or data viewer. Portal interface does not affect how Landscape Mobile performs.

When adding a user, select 'Portal' as the user interface. This can also be changed after the user has been added.

Once you designate the user interface as 'Portal', you must assign that user as a Team Member to the sites you want them to have access to.

This is what a user sees from the portal view. A list of recent site visits to records to which they have been assigned. They can then navigate to the correct site visit by clicking on it.

From the site visit record, they can view record contact information, see notes, record details, and reports. They can run the monitoring report and edit the site visit data (form responses, photo captions, etc.) just as a regular user can, provided they have sufficient permissions.

Portal users have no access to tasks, and so can't navigate to and see tasks that are assigned to them. They also cannot see or interact with other work items such as issues or resources.

However they can turn those layers on on the map and see information related to the geography stored with those items within their assigned records.

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