Tracking Funding in Projects

The 'Funding' tab of a Project allows you to track the funding expectations and disbursals for a project. In other words, it allows you to track how much you are expecting to receive and from whom, and then create entries (funding disbursals) for when those funds actually change hands.

For a breakdown of how funding is tracked within Landscape, check out this article.

The charts at the top of the page display first the funding expected against the total budget, then the total amount disbursed vs. the amount expected. The table below the charts displays all Funding Sources, Agreements (if applicable), the amount expected, and disbursals. Click on a row to see the details of that expectation. A table of all Funding Disbursals is shown at the bottom of the page.

Funding Expectations

Click on 'Add Funding Expectation' to add expected funding. In the window that opens, you can first choose the Source, then the Agreement (optional), then the expected amount. The Source is the entity you expect to receive the money from. This is typically something like a state or federal funding program, or internal funding. It is not intended for tracking individual donations! If you'd like to add a new Funding Source, you can do so by clicking 'Add New' on the drop down menu.

The Funding Agreement is tied to the Source, and allows you to track additional information about the 'pot' of money that you'll be drawing from. While the Funding Agreement amount and the amount expected will often match, you may also have a scenario where one Agreement is being tapped on for multiple different projects, in which case the amounts would differ, as in the screenshot below. If an Agreement doesn't already exist, you can build one by clicking 'Add New' on the drop down menu.

Once you add a Funding Expectation, it will appear on the funding table at the top of the record. Click on a row to see and edit the details of that expectation, and to add a funding disbursal. Click on the + button next to 'Funding Disbursals' to add a funding disbursal.

A Funding Disbursal allows you to track how much money you actually received and when. This amount will often differ from the expected and/or agreement amount.

Enter how much was disbursed in Amount. Type of disbursal allows you to track whether it was a general disbursal or towards the purchase price of a property. This can be useful if your organization wants to categorize how much money is going directly towards property purchases vs. other expenses. Disbursed on is where you enter the date of the disbursal, and Link to Record allows you to tie the disbursal towards a Portfolio Record. Tying a disbursal to a Property in this way will allow someone in the future to look up how much money was received from a source for a particular record, without having to look at the funding page of the Project. This article shows how users can view that information.

As you enter disbursals within each expectation, they will be displayed in the 'Funding Disbursals' table at the bottom of the page.

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