Linked Forms (aka the Form Library) - Article and Video

Forms are ways of collecting data for a work item. You can have as many different forms as you would like. These forms are built in settings. However, if you need to customize the contents of a form to suit the needs of a particular record, then it wouldn't make sense to add a form to your settings for each individual case, as this would quickly become an unmanageable list. Instead, you can link a form to a record and then customize it from there.

For example, you could link an annual monitoring form to an easement property record and then add questions specific to that easement. Alternatively, you could link a record to your annual monitoring form and then add a funding-specific sub-form.

Linking a form (single record)

From the 'Work' tab of a record, click on the three dots at the top of the list and select 'add linked form'

Select the form, work item, and work item type that you want the form to be linked to. Note that work item type is optional.

With the settings above applied, the 'Annual Monitoring Visit' form will be linked to every site visit work item with an 'Annual Monitoring' type.

Click 'OK'. A message will appear asking if you would like to customize the form now that it's been attached.

Customizing a Linked Form

Once you've linked to a form, you can customize it. Select the form from the linked forms list to navigate to that linked form.

Click on 'Edit Form Layout' to customize the contents of the form.

Once you begin editing the form, you can add new questions above or below each question by using the '+' buttons that appear on each listed question.

Once it's been added, the question will appear in all future forms used on that site. Don't forget to save your added questions by clicking the thumbs up at the top of the record.

Note that one of the available question types is 'Sub-Form'. This allows you to bring in existing forms as sections in the current form.

You cannot remove or edit existing questions in a linked form. You can only add new ones.

Video on linking to and customizing a form

Here's a quick video on the process described above:

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