How to link a form with multiple records

The first and easiest option for making a form automatically appear is to attach it to a specific item within the form's settings. From there, you can ensure that any time a user creates a work item of a specific type, they will be presented with the correct form. For example, the form in the following screenshot will appear whenever someone creates a new Site Visit work item with a type of Annual Monitoring.

You can also manually link forms to specific records and work items. This is useful if you want a form to only appear or be used in certain records, or for customizing the form for a specific record. For example, if you have a monitoring form that is required only for specific easements due to funding requirements, you could use this to attach the special monitoring form manually to only those funded sites. As another example, you could link a monitoring form to a record, then add questions specific to the terms of the specific property easement.

Forms that are linked manually to sites will override the default form settings. For example, if you have a generic 'Annual Monitoring Form' whose settings you set to 'Site Visits' & 'Annual Monitoring', but then manually attach a specific 'Funding Source Monitoring Form' to select records with the same 'Site Visits' & 'Annual Monitoring' settings, the latter will override the former when a user creates an annual monitoring site visit within that record.

From Data Viewer, create a view of the records that you want to link. This could simply be 'All Portfolio Records', or it could be 'All Stewardship Sites'.

Select the records you want to add the forms to, or select all by clicking the top left box (1)

Click on the three dots to the far right of the tool bar (2)

Select 'Edit Selected Results'

Change the top dropdown to 'Add to form library', then choose the form that you want to add, and the work category and work type that you want to associate it with. Click 'OK'.

You can check to make sure the form has been linked by navigating to an affected record, going to the work tab, and clicking on the three dots on the top tool bar:

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