Using floating dates in queries (article and video)

You can use a floating date in a query to change the date-based query parameters based on the current date. In other words, if you want to have a view or widget that always displays site visits performed this calendar year that automatically updates based on the current calendar year, you can do so. This prevents you from needing to update the view or widget every time the year turns over.

To use a floating date in a query, first change the type of date from Fixed to Floating

You're presented with three editable fields.

The first numeric field (default = '0') allows you to specify the number of intervals of the unit. The second field allows you to specify the unit (Day, Week, Month, Year, Fiscal Year), and the final field allows you to specify where in that unit you want the query to be. Let's look at some examples.

0 | Day | To Date = 'Today'

-1 | Month | Today = 'one month ago today'

-1 | Month | Start = 'the beginning of last month'

-1 | Year | Start = 'the beginning of last year'

0 | Year | End = 'the end of this year'

Here's a short video with an example that shows how to query on this year's completed site visits.

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