Report Template sharing, downloading, and archiving

Report templates can be downloaded from your Landscape account from the 'Report Templates' page. This allows you to save local copies of your old or unused report templates just in case you need them. It also allows you to share report templates with other organizations.

To download a copy of the report template, navigate to the 'Report Templates' page in 'Settings' (must be an administrator to access settings).

Select the report template you'd like to download, and click on the 'export' button. Click 'Yes' to confirm.

The template will be downloaded to the file location you specify. Note that the format of the downloaded template is .json - a machine-readable language, but one that can't be opened and viewed as a .pdf.

Once the file is downloaded to your computer, you can delete it from Landscape by selecting the same report template and clicking the trash can button. You could then re-import it if you ever needed it again. Alternatively, you could send the .json file to another organization and they could import it into their account.

If your template has any form-specific behavior, like pulling out specific form questions in certain places, these will NOT function if the report is run in a different account.

Importing a Report Template

Click on 'Add Template' at the top of the Report Templates page, then select 'Import templates from a file'.

Landscape can only import templates with the .json file type that were built in Landscape. You cannot import other file types like .doc-s or .pdf-s.

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