LTA Accreditation Report

Since so many of our customers are members of the Land Trust Alliance, we've developed a special report process to make it simple to grab the data you need for your accreditation or re-accreditation spreadsheets. Many organizations use the report to identify gaps in their system prior to accreditation.

The LTA Accreditation Report pulls data from records which are tagged as stewardship sites. In other words, if you have a property record which has been divided into multiple parcels, each with their own landowner, and each tagged as a stewardship site, the report will print out one row for each parcel. This method most closely resembles the reporting required by LTA, where one landowner with one interest is represented by one row. It is up to you to check the data and ensure that you are meeting LTA requirements.

To run the report, head to Data Viewer > One-Click Reports > 'LTA Accreditation', and click 'Run'.

The report builder appears:

Use data prior to' is a date field.  If you'd like to run the report for only prior to a certain date in the past, enter that date. Otherwise, it is automatically filled in with the current date.

'First-time accreditation' vs. 'Reaccreditation' changes the output to match the first time accreditation vs. reaccreditation worksheets from LTA.

'Use fee template'vs. 'Use easement template' changes the output to match the LTA Fee vs. Easement spreadsheet templates.

'Property Interests to Include' allows you to select those interests which you want to include in the report.  For example, if you keep track of trail easements or managed properties in Landscape but do not want to include them in your report, do not enter those interests. Use the drop down menu to add the interest types you want to include one by one:

'Property Statuses to include:' allows you to select whether you want to include, for example 'Partner Holding' interests in the output.

'Work category to use for 'monitoring dates' allows you to select which date to use for monitoring. Standard practice is to use the site visit date, however you also have the option of choosing the monitoring report date, or a General Work Item date.  

'Sub-types to include' is where you select the type of site visit, report, or general work item selected in the previous question. Usually this is 'Annual Monitoring' (for 'Site Visits')

'What donation substantiation asset type is an 8283?'  There is a work item type called 'Donation' which can be used to record 8283 forms and other similar items.  This part of the Report Builder looks at those work items for information related to the substantiation. If you are not using this work item type, then this part of the report builder will not function as intended.

'What contact tag denotes the original grantor?' allows you to select the tag which denotes the Grantor of the interest.  By default (and in most accounts), this will be 'Grantor'. 

Click 'OK' to run the report.  A .csv will be generated that you can then copy/paste into your LTA Accreditation Spreadsheets:


If you notice any errors or omissions, it is highly recommended that you correct the information in Landscape and then re-run the report, rather than simply correcting it in the spreadsheet.  Doing so will increase the integrity of your data in the long-term, rather than providing a short-term fix.

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